About Me

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Last year I turned the big 3.0 and got married - I thought that was my milestone year. As it turns out, 2009 quickly overshadowed 2008 when my husband and I found out we were pregnant. I'm going to be experiencing everything for the first time as a woman and an expectant mother which is why I'm calling this my year of firsts. I'm senior editor for Marie Claire South Africa.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


It's so difficult to remember to drink water these days - it's just so damn cold! I always have a 1.5l bottle on my desk which I spend the day drinking but lately have been avoiding it and opting for Vitamin Water (which Kilimanjaro has so kindly stocked our fridge with at the office) or a cup of comforting tea instead...
Last night I was at the new Tasha's at Melrose Arch with a group of gorgeous ladies - Dikatso, Thandi and Nkenge. I must say I was very disappointed by the food there - it's not half as good as the one in Atholl Square - and because I had suggested the place, I was peeved. Ntl! The decor is lovely though. This is the second time this has happened. When were in Cape Town I suggested Geisha which used to be in Mouille Point but has now moved to The Cape Royal Hotel in Green Point. The food is absolutely awful now and prices far too inflated for the flavourless measly portions you get! It is now no longer one of my favourite restaurants in CT.
Anyway, I finally remembered to order a glass of water towards the end of the evening after having indulged in a mug of white hot chocolate and half a glass of awful Graham Beck rose (which we had to buy from wine Sense because Tasha's is not yet licensed...). Well, thanks to the cold weather the water went straight through and I spent the car ride home exercising my sphincter muscle and then the rest of the night emptying my bladder. This is a rude awakening in winter. I wonder if the first trimester symptoms are going to come flooding back in the third.


  1. Hey! Great blog. I'm hooked! Thandi

  2. Thanks Thandi.
    Had a great time the other night - may there be many more!
